81 Beach Hill

Board of Directors
President Greg Fabella
Vice President Keith Prather
Treasurer Brady Bentz
Secretary Greg Fabella
Member-at-large Peter Dorey
Member-at-large Nick Mangione
Member-at-large Sherry Dayton
Member-at-large Alex Hughes
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81 Beach Hill Board of Directors

The Board of Directors

The 81 Beach Hill Board of Directors is shown at the left.  The responsibilities of each are detailed in our controlling documents (Master Deed and Bylaws).  Some important responsibilities of each position are summarized below.


Vice President

Official records of the association are maintained by the secretary.  Specifically, the secretary does the following:

The secretary also maintains the community web site, google groups, and google drive repository.

Members-at-large are full voting members of the Board of Directors, and they perform other duties in support of the Association.  For example, they may serve on committees (often as the chairperson).  Members-at-large may also take on specific duties of other Directors as necessary for the smooth functioning of the Board.

Term and Qualifications

Per our governing documents, each member serves a 3 year term, with either 2 or 3 Board members' terms expiring each year (3 in one year, 2 in the next, and 2 more in the next).  If all Board members serve their full terms there will be at least two positions open at each Annual Meeting in March.  A call for nominations will be distributed to all unit owners in advance of each Annual Meeting.  Occasionally a Board member will not complete his or her term, in which case the Board may appoint a replacement to serve until the next Annual Meeting.  If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors you can reach out to any Board member and express your interest.  You can also respond to the official call for nominees.  Here are the terms for the current Board members:
Board Member Elected Term Expires
Greg Fabella 2022 2025
Peter Dorey
Brady Bentz 2023 2026
Keith Prather
Alex Hughes 2024 2027
Nick Mangione
Sherry Dayton

Ideally, members of the Board will be well-versed in the governing documents and rules and regulations, and will have a working knowledge of the functioning of the committees, so if you are interested in a position on the Board it would behoove you to come up to speed in those areas. The Board communicates via Google Groups and Google Docs, so Board members are expected to have a Google account and be able to use the Google tools.

Board Meetings

The Board of Directors typically meets monthly. 3 of these meetings are in person, usually at a Board member's condo, on Saturday of these weekends:

  • Memorial Day weekend
  • July 4th weekend
  • Labor Day weekend

  • The other meetings are conducted via teleconference. The Board may also convene special meetings as needed throughout the year, some of which are conducted via teleconference.

    Most Board meetings are open to all unit owners (as observers), and the dates and locations of regular meetings will be posted on the web and bulletin boards.  If you plan to attend a meeting please inform a Board member ahead of time.  Note that as an observer you may not speak or opine at the meetings unless invited into the discussion by the Board.  Special meetings may be called on short notice, and some Board meetings may be closed due to the sensitive nature of the discussion topics, so it may not be possible for a unit owner to attend all meetings in a given year.

    Budget & Assessments

    An operating budget is established each year to capture anticipated expenses and establish the annual assessment amount.  The Board may also levy special assessments to cover unanticipated and unfunded expenses.

    The treasurer requests budget input from committee chairs and Board members in September, with input due in December.  The treasurer crafts a budget for review at the January board meeting, at which time the assessment amount is established.  Assessments are apportioned to each unit as outlined in the Master Deed, and assessment notices are mailed out in early January.  Dues are payable in 4 equal payments February 15, April 15, June 15, and August 15.


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